St. Stephen's College Preparatory School
St. Stephen's College Preparatory School
St. Stephen's College Preparatory School
Caritas Hong Kong Family Service "Weave a Dream Project Pilot Scheme"
Caritas Hong Kong Family Service "Weave a Dream Project Pilot Scheme"
Caritas Hong Kong Family Service "Weave a Dream Project Pilot Scheme"
Maryknoll Covention School (Primary Section) PTA
Maryknoll Covention School (Primary Section) PTA
Evangel Seminary
Evangel Seminary
Evangel Seminary
Evangel Seminary
Evangel Seminary
Good Hope School (Secondary Section)
Good Hope School (Secondary Section)
Good Hope School (Secondary Section)
Good Hope School (Secondary Section)
Good Hope School (Secondary Section)
Presentation and talk at
The Education University of Hong Kong
Presentation and talk at
The Education University of Hong Kong
Presentation and talk at
The Education University of Hong Kong
Luncheon with principals and teachers
Presentation and talk at The Education University of Hong Kong
ELCHK Lutheran Academy
ELCHK Lutheran Academy
ELCHK Lutheran Academy
ELCHK Lutheran Academy
ELCHK Lutheran Academy